Tips & Tricks

1Plant & Tree Installation & Watering

Trees, Shrubs:
Newly planted trees and shrubs require regular and consistent watering until root systems are established. Water daily during the first 7-10 days depending on weather conditions. Weeks 2-3: water every other day or two. After the first month of installation, water once a week. Watering should be deep, but not to “drown” the tree or shrub with long standing water. Weather conditions will dictate adjustments in watering schedule/frequency. Droughts/hot weather may need additional waterings. If we have periods of rain and downpours, watering may not be necessary.

Newly planted trees and shrubs require regular and consistent watering until root systems are established. Water daily during the first 7-10 days depending on weather conditions. Weeks 2-3: water every other day or two. After the first month of installation, water once a week. Watering should be deep, but not to “drown” the tree or shrub with long standing water. Weather conditions will dictate adjustments in watering schedule/frequency. Droughts/hot weather may need additional waterings. If we have periods of rain and downpours, watering may not be necessary.

Should get 2-4 gallons per watering.

Should be kept moist for 2 weeks; water as needed to ensure soil does not completely dry out.

2Privacy Screening Recommendations
Questions about choosing the right tree for your yard.
  1. How much space do you have?
  2. What is the useable height and width available?
  3. Level of maintenance?
  4. All the same plant type or mixed plants?
  5. Single Row, Multi-row or clustered planting patterns?

We can help you answer all these questions!

a. Arborvitae, Spruce, Holly, Pines

3Lawn Care, Seeding & Watering

Turf Grass Watering Instructions:
Lawns should be watered/irrigated daily. For the best results use a sprinkler and adjust every 15- 20 minutes to reach all areas. For established lawns, deep infrequent watering is the trick to a healthier lawn.

4Yearly Aeration/Overseeding

Blending turfgrass cultivars is a good way to introduce diversity into a turf stand, especially if only one species is used for the establishment. The seeding of cool-season turfgrass species can be done from mid-spring to early fall, but late summer is the optimum time to seed in most areas of Pennsylvania. Soils tend to be dryer and warmer during late August and early September than in spring. The 4 to 8 week period following seeding or sodding is critical to the survival of the new lawn.

5Hardscape Maintenance
Patio and walkway maintenance

Includes pressure washing, cleaning, resanding and/or re-sealing. Maintenance should happen every few years as polymetric sand tends to last about 4-5 years under favorable conditions.

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